In accordance with the national curriculum documents (the so-called RVP - Rámcový vzdělávací program), the school educational programme aims to provide our students with quality language education in English. English language is a compulsory subject for all students of all years, no matter what their field of study or specialization is. The time allotment is three classes per week, with an optional English seminar in the final year of study. All prospective students are expected to have mastered English at least on A2 level, as stated in the requirements of the national curriculum.
Currently our school employs eight Czech teachers of English and one native speaker who leads conversational classes.
All English classes are taught in specialized language classrooms. The size of each class does not exceed 15 students, which allows us to focus on the individual needs of each learner.
The main goals of our language education include:
- to bring our students up to B1+ level
- to help our students to use English language in a variety of situations both in their personal and professional life
- to eliminate factors that contribute to the anxiety of speaking a foreign language
- to help our students to overcome the fear of making mistakes
- to acquaint students with aspects of everyday life, culture and history of English-speaking countries
- to prepare students for professional communication in English, mainly in the area of computers and electrical engineering (specialized vocabulary is taught in the third and fourth year of study)
All English teachers continuously upgrade their qualifications in the following areas:
- CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning)
- new trends in language teaching
- digital tools in language classes
- ESP (English for Specific Purposes) - predominantly technical English
Besides compulsory English classes, our students have the opportunity to attend optional (extra-curricular) French classes in the afternoon.